So why use a rooster logo?
Some farmers still use weathervanes with a rooster, but why would a local church? It can be traced back to the early churches. Have you failed the Lord? We all struggle with the world, the flesh and the devil. The rooster logo reminds us of the Apostle Peter, who denied Christ three times before the cock crowed, just as Christ had foretold him. But after the resurrection, Jesus tells the women in Mark 16, “Go get the disciples and Peter” as if Peter, was too ashamed to come. In John 21, Christ restores Peter, where Jesus asked Peter three times, “Peter do you love me?” By the third time, you can sense Peter’s agony and frustration saying, “Lord, you know all things, you know I love you!” Then Jesus instructs him again, “Feed my sheep.” Peter was often the spokesman for the 12 disciples, and it seems they all failed the Lord as Jesus went to the Cross to pay for our sins. But they were forgiven again and again and recommissioned to advance Christ’s Great Commission, doing their part with the Helper, the Holy Spirit. Christ said in response to Peter’s solid profession of faith in Matthew 16, “Upon this rock I will build My Church…” We believe every Christian has a place to serve in advancing God’s Kingdom. If you love Church history, you can find a rooster on the top of St. Peter’s Church in Scotland. We know from the Bible, that Christians are called to daily repentance and the pursuit of holiness. What a blessed hope knowing that our Redeemer sustains us and uses us for the advancement of His Kingdom! “God draws straight lines with crooked sticks.” Everyone must know their sin, to know the Savior.